All the Features

Page Builder

Start building with one of the 30+ content blocks using the pagebuilder. Each block has options to choose from to customize the block the way you want it.

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From page titles to meta descriptions over Open Graph settings. Erlega ships with built in search engine options to optimize every single page of your site.

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Image optimization

One of our main focus is performance. Erlega defines multiple sizes of the same image, allowing the browser to select the appropriate image source.

Typography options

Upload your favorite font family or select one from a build in list. Set font-sizes, font-weights and line heights for all heading types h1-h6 as well as the body.

Custom Branding

Branding is the most important piece on each website. Upload your logo's and favicons, select colors for headings, elements, backgrounds and much more.

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Multi-language ready

Erlega is multi-language ready so that you can add additional languages with an ease and get your content out to an international folks around the world.

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Navbar styles

Erlega ships with different types of navbar layouts to choose from. Each layout looks beautiful on all screen sizes. Go classic or maybe all centered?


Turn your site into a blog with just a few clicks so that you can start writing your novels. Filter articles by tags, categories or dates and select a layout for the blog and article.

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User roles

Erlega ships with predefined permissions for the panel, based on a users role. This is especially helpful when you have a team of editors.

Footer Styles

Choose from different footer styles to give the bottom of your site a nice look. Add a summary of available pages or hide boring pages like Terms & Conditions down here.

Translatable site labels

Translate or change almost all site labels to whatever you feel like. Don't like the tag label on the blog page? Quickly rename it to something else you like more.

30+ Blocks